With the addition of the 16th CityCat Gootcha (which is the indigenous name for Toowong), a new CityCat timetable has been released starting August 2nd. BrizCommuter doesn't use the CityCat too often (as they would have a bit of an issue travelling up Kedron Brook), but had a look at the new timetable...
The am peak frequency for stops downstream of Riverside is a very impressive 6 minutes. This is far more impressive than on Brisbane's rail lines where it's not unusual to have service gaps of more than 20 minutes in the peaks. The daytime off-peak frequency between Hawthorne and UQ is also very impressive at every 12-13 minutes, again much better than the 30 minute off-peak service gaps on Brisbane's infrequent rail network. Daytime weekend frequencies (when the CityCats can be quite busy) are up to every 12-13 minutes.
There are a few areas for improvement, notably a few random 25 minute gaps during the day (which would probably be whenever BrizCommuter wants to catch the CityCat). There are also some sizeable reverse-peak gaps to UQ, and post am peak service gaps downstream of Hawthorne. Given that there are now two frequent bus routes from the CBD to UQ, I can't see the former being too much of an issue.
It's great to see Brisbane City Council and TransLink making good use of the Brisbane River for public transport. Now if only Queensland Rail and TransLink could match the CityCat frequencies on the rail network!
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